Monday, January 25, 2010

New Direction, Same Message?

Hello CAU,

Quick note here. At the last meeting there was discussion on the future activity of CAU. One of the major things I came away with is that we need to be more event focused. Fun and community building rather than all-out politics.

So I am proposing a new direction. We all had so much fun with our events this past year, so lets focus on that.

I have begun setting up a Boulevard Gardening demo, which could be followed by a contest etc. This is something that will be discussed at next weeks meeting.

It also follows that next year, perhaps a Christmas Light challenge. (no better way to draw attention to our awesome neighborhoods than by making them glow in the dark!)

Perhaps a CAU plant swap? There are a number of other orgs in the area that we could work with on this.

There are also a number of ways to include our businesses in this. Perhaps an Adopt a Blvd Garden?

This is just a start. There's so much more to discuss! I would like to continue with our Burma Shave Signs (as soon as the ground thaws!) AND the Pace Car idea. I think they will work well with our events.

So, let's become events based! Let's build our community up, Let's make this next summer a fun one!!


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1900 East 40th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55407-2930

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