Monday, February 22, 2010

Hello All! Some of you may have noticed a small addition to the repretoire of Cedar Ave Signage. I just wanted to post a bit from a letter I got from Councilmember Quincy yesterday.

Horay! :

Hi Will,

I wanted to alert you to the fact that our office has been working with county staff on signage on Cedar Avenue. As Scott Benson and I transitioned the office projects with my election, this project was one that made both of our lists of priorities.

We will continue to make efforts for improved signage and other speed calming techniques with the county and city street control operations – but we thought you should celebrate the fact that a solar powered “speed wagon sign” is now permanently installed on the north bound lane of Cedar – immediately after the highway entrance. It has been a long time coming, but another positive step forward in Cedar Avenue United’s agenda. Thanks for your diligence and grassroots efforts!

Here is a link to my newsletter archives, should you want to see what we are talking about:


John Quincy

City Council Member

Ward 11

Also wanted to remind everyone that This Next Week will be the next meeting of CAU. I'm still tying up some loose ends with out upcoming Boulevard Garden event. Once it's set up I will send out a lager mailing.

Good Things in the works! Come help us take the next step!



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