Wednesday, May 27, 2009

June 3rd meeting Questions

Hello All,

Here is a list of questions received so far for our upcoming meeting. I invite all of you to add to this in the comment section. If you're quick I can get it out this evening, otherwise I will keep track of them and bring them up at the discussion.

Remember, June 3rd, 6:30, Sibley Park Community Center

Questions for June 3rd meeting:

-What type of a road is Cedar Ave; what are the defining features of that grade of road (arterial, collector etc)?

-What is the current timeline for maintenance on Cedar Ave.?

-Does this take into consideration the changing conditions created by over capacity traffic and heavy MNdot traffic?

-What sorts of things have been done to Cedar to control traffic?

-What sorts of things can be done about vehicle safety

-What sorts of things can be done about vehicle noise (leq 71+)

-Can improvements be made in the name of the newly adopted complete streets policy

-What sorts of devices (speed tables, bump/bulb-outs etc) are being used elsewhere in Hennepin County?

-Where does the county stand on using roundabouts?

-Could temporary solutions be used until permanent work can be done (i.e. temporary rubber curb bumpouts, etc).

-Can studies be done to determine the environmental impact of overcapacity traffic on Cedar Ave?

-Who does environmental studies in this situation? (Noise, etc)

-Who does traffic studies in this situation?

-Who enforces state roadway noise standards on county roads

-Can the dedicated parking lane be delineated between Minnehaha Parkway and 42nd Street?

-How can pedestrian crossings be made safer for neighborhoods without stop lights

-Why is the speed limit by the park 35 when all other roads on park are 25?

-Who enforces speed laws on county roads?

-Can we increase enforcement?

-Do we know of any plans for a left turn arrow at 42nd & Cedar with the addition of a left turn lane on Cedar ?

1 comment:

Jim K said...

Short terms suggestions:
- Can paint be used as a traffic calming technique?

- Additional speed limit signs?

- Can trash cans be added to make the street more pedestrian friendly?

- Cedar does not seem to be an adequate thoroughfare for four lanes of traffic north of Lake Street. Can the street be reconfigured similar to 50th Street in SW Minneapolis and Lexington Ave in Saint Paul?