Saturday, May 16, 2009

Weekend Update

an update of sorts, for those interested.

We're awaiting our printed material for door to door distribution. I will put out an announcement when it's ready, we could use a few more volunteers to hand stuff out. I'll buy everyone who volunteers coffee at Sister Sludge! (that goes for everyone at the meeting that already signed up)

So far for the next meeting I have confirmations from Hennepin Co. Public Works, Katie Hatt (for Com. McLaughlin - she has been a great participant!) Scott Benson, Elizabeth Glidden, and John Quincy.

I have NOT heard from, but have attempted to contact Sandy Colvin Roy and Gary Schiff. I would love to have everyone there, but I understand the logistic involved. Since I don't live in their districts, I may not hold as much political oomph as I need, but I encourage anyone that IS in their area to contact them and invite them again.

For weekend interest, here is a blog that I have been reading. It's been pretty interesting and influential in the way that I feel about planning and development:

it's a local blog with national (and international) coverage. Well worth going through past posts.

Also, I like the streetsblog: It's a bit removed from Mpls/St. Paul, but relevant and worth a read.

and a few more I found today (this is what I will be looking at until it's warmer :) (though our project is not a carfree project by ANY means)

Anyone have any other suggestions for further reading??


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