Thursday, September 17, 2009

Success!! x 1

Hello All,

At the last meeting I introduced a concept that has been going around the country, neighborhood pace cars. While I like the idea, it would be difficult to implement on Cedar because of the nature of our road. We are considered residential, but we have a number of businesses that rely on delivery services and shipments. So we have to think of ways to slow traffic without sacrificing our business' lifelines. We also have a million billion folks out there that would just as soon run a 'pace car' off the road rather then follow them (doesn't stop me though :)

Also, the pace car program only works if enough people sign up. So I though 'we need more pace cars'. Then I had another idea, 'we need BIGGER pace cars'.

Our businesses will ALWAYS need deliveries, and the shipping companies rely on our businesses for THEIR business... SO, I wrote a letter to one of the most noticed speeders and heaviest vehicles on Cedar Ave; Freightmasters. I have had many mornings in my garden spent shaking my fist at an 18 wheeler barreling down the road, spraying rocks and gravel... or waking up in the middle of the night to a jake brake shaking my walls, only to peer out the window and see the familiar red lettering on the white truck. I said that we are trying to improve our environment, we have had complaints about them. I explained that we could use thier help slowing traffic and that we could work together and everyone could win. I had my doubts. I didn't know if I would hear back... but I did, and right away.

This is what I got back:

Hi Will,

Thank you for introducing us to your community action group. It certainly sounds like a worthwhile effort.

We’ll get the word out to all of our driver employees to be particularly mindful of traffic laws when they need to move through your neighborhoods, and we’ll try to avoid unnecessary movements through that area.


Tim Beltz

Tim, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I look forward to the big white trucks helping us calm our area. We know you are integral to the fabric of our area. By slowing down a bit you will lower your impact, and help us tame traffic in the process. And honestly, who's going to try to run a SEMI off the road! Bravo wonderful giant pace truck! Bravo! The next time you drive through our neighborhood (slowly) we will be waving and smiling... not that other thing we do.

I have started writing to other companies to see if they will also participate. We'll see how it goes, but I condsider this a tenetive success. Thanks Tim!

In the mean time, please consider becoming a pace car. As this idea progresses we may decide to make spiffy 'Cedar Ave United PACE CAR' bumper stickers! Any thoughts? Any specific companies that I should write too?

Thanks all!


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