Sunday, October 4, 2009

Updates all around!

This neglected blog needs an update, so here goes:

Good things keep happening! We had a great event back on Sept 19th. Thanks to all that attended the 42nd and Cedar cleanup AND the Linestriping BBQ. Special thanks to Lamont Cleveland for providing such fantastic BBQ (pulled pork and jerk chicken, 2 kinds!!).

We've been chugging away with our reporting at SeeClickFix. I'd like to remind folks that IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE RELATED TO THE ROAD, YOU CAN REPORT IT DIRECTLY TO MINNEAPOLIS THROUGH THIS WEBSITE. You can also find a portal to the CAU profile at our website:

Cedar Ave Pace car program is looming on the horizon. I will be giving updates on this at the meeting. I'd also like feedback and ideas as to how we can get this to spread into the surrounding neighborhoods. The notion of bumper stickers/static stickers has been brought up. THese could be available to private vehicles and possibly commercial vehicles.... we have made contact with one company that is willing to be a GIANT 18 WHEEL pace car for us; Freightmasters of Eagan. If you feel like sending them a thank-you e-mail, I'm sure they would love to hear it. Having a goliath pace car will be fantastic since it's tough to argue with something that size!

We've been kicking around the idea of creating road signs in the style of the old Burma Shave for a while. In our upcoming meeting we will be discussing this. We will need the following
  • materials; wood, tools, paint, stencils etc
  • rhymes (although we have MANY to work with currently)
  • yard, we can't do this without participating yards, preferably next to each other
  • crafty/artistic volunteers to help create the signs
We will also pick out some dates to work on this in the following month. Let's get these together before the snow flies! Even if we have to take them down in the winter, we will have them ready in the spring!! Won't they look great in those new Blvd gardens that we can all start next year??

So that's it for now. remember that there is an upcoming meeting on Wednesday, Oct 7th at 6:30. We'll be where we always are, at the Sibley Park Rec Center... here's a map:

Thanks all, SEE YOU SOON!

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